
The world faces a crisis risking extinction of species through global warming and other anthropogenic impacts. Due to e.g., changes in land use and destruction of habitats, tropical rainforests and woodlands, mangrove forests and coral reefs are disappearing and with them ecosystem functions, goods and services on which human populations depend. In order to conserve nature, to manage or to rehabilitate tropical biodiversity and ecosystems in an era of uncertainty, we must understand spatial and temporal patterns in tropical biodiversity, study how organisms interact with their environment and how they respond to perturbations and change, and assess utilisation patterns, management and governance systems. This is dealt with in this unique masters programme combining theory, practice and independent research.


  • ULB
    Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

  • VUB
    Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)

  • SU
    Sorbonne Université (France)

  • MNHN
    Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (France)

    Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)

  • UdG
    Université de la Guyane Française (French Guiana)

  • UDEA
    Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)

  • UdA
    Université des Antilles (Guadeloupe)

  • UCAD
    Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Senegal)

  • UDsch
    Université de Dschang (Cameroon)

  • TUM
    Technical University of Mombasa (Kenya)

    Université d'Antananarivo (Madagascar)

  • UNIRé
    Université de La Réunion (Reunion Island)

  • RUH
    University of Ruhuna (Sri Lanka)

  • UMT
    Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Malaysia)

  • UP
    Unibersidad ng Pilipinas (Philippines)

  • UNC
    Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonia)

Download Summary:


TROPIMUNDO is an EC-funded and excellence-labelled Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems, with co-financing from VLIR-UOS for Mundus tropicalis, the Trajectories running through Kenya and the Philippines. We aim to bring together expert Higher Education Institutes (HEI), with long-standing worldwide expertise in tropical rainforests and woodlands and in tropical coastal ecosystems. TROPIMUNDO and Mundus tropicalis students can concentrate on botany, zoology and integrative ecosystem approaches in institutions with and beyond Europe in 2 Master years, of which an entire semester is spent in the tropics. Specialisation is possible on the evolution of tropical flora and vegetation, on faunistic assemblages, on informatics tools to treat and manage biodiversity data and databases (biogeographical, genetical, geographical information systems) including the management and conservation of historic collections such as herbarium sheets, on the study of diversity, dynamics and evolution of tropical and subtropical ecosystems (with a focus on four related systems, namely tropical rainforests and woodlands, mangrove forests, seagrass beds and coral reefs, including the interactions between flora, fauna, man and the environment within and between each of these adjacent ecosystems), on conservation and restoration ecology of natural habitats and their biodiversity including competences in sustainable management and governance of biodiversity, and finally, on tropical ethnobotany, exploitation and valorisation of natural resources and conservation of traditional ecological knowledge.

Click here to get your personal link to the online Information and Application Module (see also blue frame at the right of this screen).

The information in this website may be subject to changes from one year to another.

Sri Lanka
 La Réunion
Cameroon Senegal
Philippines New Caledonia


The current TROPIMUNDO funding ends in 2025. For the 2024 call for applications TROPIMUNDO needs to submit a request for financing which may or may not be honoured by the European Commission. Whether we will receive scholarships will only be known in July 2024. If we are eligible and our request for funding is accepted, we will have to have covered all steps, selections, paperwork etc. which requires us to launch the call following the annual schedule.

The scholarship call for all nationalities was open until 30/11/2023 for the first call (scholarship pending approval by the EC). It is open until 23/06/2024 for the second call (self-funded applicants).

Detailed information on TROPIMUNDO facts, conditions, procedures, deadlines, etc... is available in the online Applicaton, Information and Management tool.

Click here to get your personal account to the online Application, Information and Management Tool.

The first TROPIMUNDO call is for scholarship seekers or self-funded applicants and will be evaluated as a batch within one month after the submission deadline of 30/11/2023. If available places remain a second call will be opened and applications will be treated on a first-come first-served basis. If applicable, the second call for TROPIMUNDO applications from self-funded applicants from all countries will be open until 30 April of 2024 at the latest. After this date the call will remain open only for self-funded applicants from EU Member States and Third Countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme until 15 June 2024 at the latest. The second call will automatically shut down before these dates once all available places have been attributed.

Admissions may be done conditional of obtaining a Bachelor diploma or language proof before the start of the academic year.

The next scholarship call or applicants intending to start in academic year 2025-2026 is expected to open in October 2024.

Click here to get your personal account to the online Application, Information and Management Tool.


Core values

  • A unique course program that maximises radiation of the long-standing experience and the scientific excellence of the Higher Education Institutes constitutin gthe TROPIMUNDO Consortium and that leads to a joint degree;
  • A mobility within Europe pluss a unique full semester mobility in situ including both classroom and field courses in the Caribbean, Amazonian, African, Asian or Oceanian wet tropics at participating universities;
  • A clear study Trajectory in which fundamental understanding of one or multiple most-threatened ecosystems, or their components (incl. biota and abiotic factors and humans), is followed by research tools to study, understand, and manage them with the aim of biological conservation;
  • A full semester MSc Thesis research in collaboration with one or more TROPIMUNDO Full or Associate Partners (see below)
  • Intensive contact with different cultures and languages, which stimulates content and language integrated learning.

Joint Master Degree

Upon graduation students will be awarded a Joint Master degree by the European institutes visited by the student. In addition, each student will receive a Europass Certificate signed by all participating higher education institutes involved.

Find out the legal provisions of the degree-awarding institutions(this also includes a summary description and detailed course descriptions of graduated student cohorts)

Basic student requirements

  • An internationally accepted Bachelor in Science degree (i.e. equivalent to 180 ECTS) with a major in Biology, Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, or equivalent from an accredited university. Prospective applicants should check the FAQ to see which BSc are likely to be considered equivalent and which are not;
  • Students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English or in English + French. However, in the 1st and 3rd semester extra-curricular language courses are offered to improve language skills needed on the student's study Trajectory. More information on language requirements can be found in the online Application, Information and Management Tool (AIM-tool);
  • A personal evaluation of the applications will be done by the Selection Committee composed of all Local Coordinators.

Trajectory in 4 semesters

The consortium is composed of 9 institutes in Programme Countries (European) and 8 higher education institutes in Partner Countries (non-European). In a first semester, students start at a European institute of their choice to acquire similar competences. In a second semester field experience and courses will take place in a university in a tropical region. The third semester will cover a specialisation in a European university different from the first semester. The fourth semester is dedicated to the MSc Thesis and students return to where they started out. Every Trajectory of 4 semesters constitutes a unique combination of courses and expertises.
In-depth information available:

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are 9,000 EUR per year for students from Partner countries (largely outside Europe) and 4,500 EUR per year for students from Programme countries (largely European). Self-funded students will receive a restitution of 500 EUR for each 4500 EUR paid. Tuition fees are to be paid to the coordinating institute an include consortium enrolment fees and the insurance cost. The tuition fees do not include costs related to visa and preparatory documents, accommodation, additional insurance costs, living expenses and travel and transportation costs. However, EC-funded students have additional cost coverage.Find more information here.


TROPIMUNDO Candidates can also apply for anEC scholarshipopen to applicants from all nationalities. Applications are scrutinised based on excellence criteria (see below).

Applying for Tropimundo

The following information sections are extracted from the online Information and Application Module.


Awards & Laureates

TROPIMUNDO awards two annual prizes:
  • The TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award, awarded to the student with the highest overall course average.
  • The Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award, awarded to the student with the highest thesis mark. The eponymy is in loving memory of the TROPIMUNDO alumnus Lorenzo Borella and is described here in English, Italian, French and Dutch). This award was originally named the TROPIMUNDO Best Thesis Award.
External prizes awarded to TROPIMUNDO theses are also indicated below.

2023 Laureates:
As there was no student intake in 2021 due to the COVID19 pandemic, no TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award has been awarded in 2023.
(Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award)

2022 Laureates:
Jasmine LIU 
(TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award)
Alvise DABALÀ 
(Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award)

2021 Laureates
Kristine BUENAFE (TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award)
Anne Marieke de GEEST (Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award)

2020 Laureates:
(Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award)

2019 Laureates:
Maël DORE (TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award)
(Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award)
Ilke GELADI (Public Prize of theJacques Kets Award)
Rafaela DE ALBUQUERQUE RIBEIRO (VLIZ Master Thesis Award)

2018 Laureates:

James HAGAN (TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award)
Thomas LUYPAERT (Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award andJacques Kets Award)
Meenakshi SHANKAR POTI (VLIZ Master Thesis Award)
Liam LACHS (VLIZ Master Thesis Award)

2017 Laureates:
Catherine TURNER (TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award)
Elena QUINTERO BORRERO (Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award)

2016 Laureates:
Barbara HENDUS (TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award)
João NUNES DE MATOS FARMINHAO (Lorenzo Borella Memorial Award)

2015 Laureates:
Mathil VANDROMME (TROPIMUNDO Best Student Award)

Students & Alumni

TROPIMUNDO students and alumni have the opportunity to become a member of theErasmus Mundus Association - EMA.

2023 TROPIMUNDO Graduates

Sentiment analysis of content posted on social media to map public perception on mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrass and coral reef ecosystems
Name Country Thesis title
BUNCHERD, Natcha Population genetic structure of Octopus mimus in the East Pacific
DOGNY PIETTE, Clara The footprint left by pre-Columbian Amerindians on vegetation: Analysis of the floristic composition of tree communities in French Guiana
DROUET CRUZ, Huran The lightning thief: how much mangrove biomass is lifted when lightning strikes a mangrove forestry concession and at which socio-economic risk for the local manager ?
HOPPE, Sophie Sentiment analysis of content posted on social media to map public perception on mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrass and coral reef ecosystems
KRATZ, Fanny Unravelling the secret life of cacao pollinators – behaviour, breeding habitats and relationships across the Neotropics
LAGUMBAY, Irene Community structure, biomass and carbon stock of mangroves in areas vulnerable to typhoons in Eastern Visayas, Philippines
OLGA, Berhanu Land use/land cover changes due to gold mining in the eastern Guji, Ethiopia: a time-series analysis based on Landsat satellite data
PELSMAEKERS, Elissa Assessment of macro- and microplastics in the mangrove bay of Gazi (Kenya): identity, quantity, distribution and sources

2022 TROPIMUNDO Graduates

Name Country Thesis title
AYITEY, Samuel Physicochemical parameters and bacteria as indicators of sewage pollution in Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka
BERNARD, Tom Bird diversity and feeding guilds in Kalametiya Lagoon, Sri Lanka
COLOSIMO, Agostina Seed dispersal of an exotic tree (Azadirachta indica) by capuchin monkeys (Cebus imitator) in a fragmented dry forest in Costa Rica
DABALÀ, Alvise Priority areas to protect mangroves and maximise ecosystem services
FOURCHAULT, Léa  Designing cross-sectoral, surface-toseabed protected areas in the Indian Ocean
GOVENDER, Maheshwaran  Turtles, tourism, and conservation: An investigation of stakeholders and their discourses on sea turtle management in southern and southwestern Sri Lanka
HAZARD, Quentin Ecological impact of habitat loss and fragmentation on an insectivorous bat community in a Malaysian hydroelectric reservoir
HEYERES, Martin A global databases approach to establish a Red Listing of Mangrove Ecosystems across the Indo-West Pacific region
KRAUSS, Jacob Range and Distribution of Seychelles Black Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi)
LHOSUPASIRIRAT, Papichaya Impacts of Community-Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration (CBEMR) on stakeholders’ perceptions: A case study in Thailand
LIU, Jasmine Effects of phylogenetic relatedness and neighborhood crowding on tropical tree performance
MARUFATUZZAHAN Investigating bioactive skin peptides in the Neotropical tree frogs Trachycephalus resinifictrix and Osteocephalus taurinus (Anura: Hylidae): A transcriptome study
MELO FLÓREZ, Lina  Towards sustainable mangrove management using Ostrom’s framework
MITCHELL, Laetitia Song structure comparison between two humpback whale populations sharing the same breeding area in Nicaragua
MURGUEITIO CALLE, Amalia A spatially heterogenous coral bleaching event in eastern Sri Lanka: impact and recovery patterns of reefs and fish assemblages
MUTHUTHANTHIRIGE, Deshika The Impact of seed size and varying N:P supply on seedling establishment of tropical plants
NAANDAM, Yennupaak Characterization of a polyhydroxyalkanoate producing strain isolated from the Bidong Island in Terengganu, Malaysia
NYANDWI, Alphonse  Succession of vegetation in the mangroves of Unawatuna, Galle, Sri Lanka: comparisons of current and historic vegetation structure and stratification
PATHAK BROOME, Aranya Global variation in biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationships in rock pool metacommunities
PERUZZO, Sofia Mangrove social-ecological system in Jaffna Peninsula: mapping stakeholder perceptions for mangrove conservation
RAÑISES, Dina Mae Intra- and interspecific variation in genome size of the coral genus Agaricia from Curaçao
SEROUX, Morgane Exploring potential fisheries benefits of high seas marine reserves using a bio-economic size-spectrum model.
THANGASAMY, Needhi  The selfish herd effect in social insects: a literature review and a field test on a tropical social wasp
TORRES, Michael A multidisciplinary approach to gain sustainable improvement of rice productivity through the co-cultivation with the fern Azolla
TURQUAND, Maud Characterization of ubiquitous interactors of the plastid transcriptional complex during the transition from dark to light
VANNOZZI BRITO, Vitor Modelling native tree species distributions in the face of climate change to inform species selection for coffee agroforests in the Western Ghats, India
VERCRUYSSE, Camille Seed and pollen dispersal of Terminalia superba Engl & Diels (Combretaceae), a Central African forest tree species
ZAKRZEWSKI, Sara Rapid morphological adaptation to novel environments in a globally invasive species, the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)

2021 TROPIMUNDO Graduates

Name Country Thesis title
ASANTE, Frederick Bench-marking the value of mangrove ecosystem goods and services in Ghana
BOCANEGRA SANCHEZ, Victor Changes in mangrove forest cover along the Fonseca Gulf in the Pacific coast of Honduras since 1974 to 2021 using satellite imagery
BOUEIZ, Maya A pelagic marine reserve network in the Pacific Ocean that best protects critical habitats
BUENAFE, Kristine Benefits and costs to pelagic fisheries of conservation-sensitive, climate-smart closures in the Pacific Ocean
CHEN, Danyang Historical forestry for charcoal trade in Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia
CUINAT-GUERRAZ, Soline Mammalio-limnology: exploring the structuring role of large mammals in pond landscapes
de GEEST, Anne Marieke Simulating failure scenarios of an overburden stockpile at the Grasberg mine, Papua, using AW3D30 and Gravitational Process Paths
DOURADO BATISTA, Carlos Assessing man-ecosystem relationships between Caiçara traditional communities and Mangroves affected by extreme events and COVID-19 in the southeastern of Brazil
FERNANDEZ MATO, Pol Biotic and abiotic environment explains genetic variation in an ancient, widespread tropical rainforest tree
GARCIA VALDEZ, Fernanda The complex of Ficus thonningii Blume in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a numerical taxonomic approach
GILBERT, Molly Sleeping tree selection and camouflage potential in the nocturnal and gliding Sunda colugos (Galeopterus variegatus) from Langkawi Island, Malaysia
GUILLEMINOT, Julie  Changing small islands: tourism conservation interactions in Pulau Kapas, Terengganu, Malaysia, through the combination of Social Network Analysis and Q methodology
JAAFAR, Ridwan The big picture: Disentangling drivers of dung nutrient stoichiometry of mammalian herbivores in African savannas
LEONG AI TING, Rachel Human dimensions of bat conservation in view of the COVID-19 pandemic – an urban perspective
MEYERS, Barbara Distribution of arbuscular versus ectomycorrhizal associations in tropical ecosystems and their differential role on the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles and soil enzyme activity
MILJEVIC, Iva  Chemical assay and anatomical localization of terpenoids in Encephalartos spp. (Zamiaceae)
 NGENDAHIMANA, Ephrem Mangrove ecosystem functions, goods, and services in Southern and North-western Sri Lanka; insight towards ethnobiology and mangrove conservation
 OFORI, Samuel Mangrove and lagoon ecosystem degradation caused by shrimp farming in the Pambala-Chilaw Lagoon Complex, Sri Lanka
 OSBORN, Amanda Seagrass survival strategy in Peninsular Malaysia: A multi-species investigation of reproduction and dispersal
 RIDDER, Grace Possibilities and limitations of hierarchical modeling of species communities to uncover the climate niches of African tree species
 SAHA, Anik Evolution of crustaceans' genome size: a role for eco-physiological and life-history traits?
SERNA RODRIGUEZ, Karen Melissa Socio-ecological sustainability of fishery systems in Sri Lanka: A view from fishers perspective
 SOUZA DE AZEVEDO, Victor Evaluating habitat loss of giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) populations in South America regarding fires and deforestation: a meta-analysis
 VAN de SANDE, Eliza Do symbiotic relationships influence feeding in insectivorous Nepenthes plants?
 VANEGAS GONZALES, Maria Juliana Evaluation of the sexual reproductive characteristics and spawning of Acropora species in Pulau Bidong, Malaysia
 VARGAS RIVERA, Gersey Remote, but connected: The COxI haplotypes of five widespread butterflies of the remote Azores archipelago

2020 TROPIMUNDO Graduates

Name Country Thesis title
AFFHOLDER, Oscar The effects of anthropization on the French Guyana forest dung beetles’ communities
AGNIHOTRI, Ananya Studying variation in the morphological traits of Estrilda astrild with climate and environment across Sub-Saharan Africa
BARMAN, Sanzib Effects of different nitrogen concentrations on the growth and proximate composition of Tetraselmis chuii
BOURGES, Aymeric King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) envenomation, functional venomics and antivenom neutralization: A status quo review
BRÖRKEN, Charlotte Mainstreaming biodiversity in development co-operation: Impact of international governance dynamics on provider strategies
CHEUNG, Cheuk Yiu The feeding ecology and behaviour of Haberma tingkok Cannicci & Ng, 2017, with a review on phylogeny of tree-climbing mangrove crabs
DERVAUX, Brieuc Chemical ecology of lone and cluster nesting social wasps in the tropical rainforest
DOMINGUEZ MARTINEZ, Rosa Mar Conservation of the high seas: designing climate-smart reserves in the Indian Ocean
DUCRET, Hugo Genetic population structure of Clark's Anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii) and phylogeographic comparison with three congeners in the Indo-Malay Archipelago
GIRARD--ANG, Thaïs  Evolution and biogeography of Palmkings and Jungle Queens (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Amathusiini)
KLEIN, Jan Lukas Floristic diversity patterns in Western Central Africa: A new forest typology for Gabon
LEWANDOWSKI, Sacha Heavy metals pollution profiles in selected upland tributaries of Sri Lanka; insight into sources and health risk with particular emphasis on Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu)
NÈVE DE MÉVERGNIES, Thibault Tackling the African weaver ants’ interspecific interactions in Senegalese mango orchards to optimize their biological control potential
SAUVAIRE, Maxime Long term monitoring of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) nesting at Chagar Hutang, Redang Island, Malaysia: morphometry and reproductive output
TEIMOORY, Hossein Spatial distribution of heavy metals in water area and surface sediments of the Kalametiya Lagoon in Sri Lanka and accumulation of heavy metals by Typha angustifolia; Eco-sustainable phytoremediation for wetland management
TULEY, Lucy  Investigating ontogenetic shifts in the diets of dugongs using stable isotope analysis of tusk collagen
VAN WEYNBERGH, Marianne  From egg to adult: Larval host plant use by three Danaines (Lepidoptera) in Australia
WARD, Abigail Assessing the potential of marine fish and parasite transfer across the Panama Canal

2019 TROPIMUNDO Graduates

Name Country Thesis title
AL-SAADI, Athraa Biosynthesis, chemical and molecular characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates produced by new bacterial strains isolated from Redang and Bidong islands in Terengganu, Malaysia
ALAYA JOYA, Laura Melisa Promoting dialog among stakeholders and surrounding communities in the framework of socio-ecological resilience: A case study in the Serranía de los Yariguíes, Santander, Colombia
ALEMU, Solomon Chanie Abundance and foraging ecology of Black-and-white colobus monkey (Colobus guereza) in Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia
BORDBAR, Farzaneh The alien flora of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: taxonomic composition, origin, mode of introduction and functional traits
BROHOLM, Tessa Spatial ecology and population size of Oreophrynella quelchii on Roraima-tepui, Guyana
CHEVALIER, Valentin Phenology of acoustic communities: analysis of two contrasted seasons in New-Caledonia
CHONG, Ho Yee Fiona Ecological functioning of mangroves: a biological traits analysis
DE ALBUQUERQUE RIBEIRO, Rafaela Designing climate-proof marine protected areas: a case study in South America
DORE, Maël Effects of Müllerian mimicry on community composition and climatic niche evolution in Neotropical butterflies
GELADI, Ilke Galapagos landbirds and agriculture: Assessing the potential for working landscapes in the agricultural zone of Santa Cruz, Galapagos
GOPALAKRISHNAN, Lavaniadevi Using historical records and Landsat imageries to explore the changes in mangrove cover in Peninsular Malaysia
KHATTAR, Jennifer An interdisciplinary approach on exploring the perspectives of plant intelligence
M. TAWFEEQ, Mohammed Characterization of culturable bacterial communities associated with cage cultured fish under different stocking densities in Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia
MANZI, Olivier Jean Léonce Impacts of human activities on the forest-savanna ecotone: plant successions of Poaceae in malagasy savannas and the dynamics of a palm “Bismarckia nobilis Hildebrandt & H. Wendl”
MCINTOSH, Ophélie The phylogenetic and molecular patterns of the reflectin protein family in coleoid cephalopod species
RAO, Manisha Narayan Comparing communities of Arauca, Colombia, based on their relationship with natural resources and perceptions of conservation initiatives
SALIU, Ibrahim The forester, the pilot and the geometer: an accuracy analysis of tree heights measured using forestry techniques, UAV and hypsometers (in tropical and temperate trees)
SHAIKH, Mohammed Hisham The control of the cnidarian host, Exaiptasia pallida, over proliferation of its algal endosymbiont, Breviolum minutum
TSAI, Dino Chueh Yu Efficacy of tissue culture-based in vitro screening method for drought tolerance in Mung beau (Vigna radiata l.): a preliminary investigation
WOLSWIJK, Giovanna Distribution of mercury in sediments, plant and animal tissues in Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia

Find more TROPIMUNDO graduates from longer ago HERE

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ


22 June 2020 17:00 CET

Participating universities and local coordinators

All institutes in the consortium are internationally-minded institutions with infrastructure, experience and proven results in servicing foreign students and scholars. The Local Coordinator, assisted by a Local Administrative Manager, will be the single contact point for students in all matters and will act as liaison between students and the administrative departments at their institution. All European institutes also have an International Relations Office that is used to guide foreign students and researchers, providing necessary material to help them find their way in the full program. The consortium aims to meet the highest quality requirements. More information on programme quality and evaluation is available from the Online Information and Application Module, or in case of additional questions not indicatd on the website, through e-mail (info@tropimundo.eu).


Associate partners

(in alphabetical order, contact details available to TROPIMUNDO staff and students)

Royal Museum for Central Africa (BE)

AgroParisTech (FR)

AMAP Sustainability (SE)

Biodiversity International (IT)

Botanic Garden Meise (BE)

Corporación para la Investigación in Ciencias Marinas Manejo de Recursos y Tecnología (CO)

Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique (FR)

CO2logic (BE)

Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche de Mayotte (FR)

EtcTerra (FR)

Society for Tropical Ecology - gtö (DE)t

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (FR)

Institut Français de Pondichéry (IN)

Instituto de Ecología (MX)

International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (JP)

Jimma University (ET)

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KE)

Kenya Wildlife Service (KE)      

King Abdallah university of Science and Technology (SA)

Mangrove Action Plan (US)

MangroveWatch (AU)

Malaysia Perak State Forestry Department (MY)

Malaysian Mokutan & Trading (MY)

Museo delle Scienze (IT)

National University of Singapore (SG)

New York University Abu Dhabi's Mubadala Arabian Center for Climate and Environmental Sciences - ACCESS (AE)

Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (BE)

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (BE)

Smithsonian Institution - Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (US)

South-Eastern University (LK)

South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (ZA)

Sud Expert Plantes Développement Durable - SEP2D (FR)

Sustainable Bolivia (BO)

Sylhet Agricultural University (BD)

Tulane University (US)

ULB Coopération (BE)

United States Geological Survey (US)

Universidad Central del Ecuador (EC)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (MX)

Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO)

Universidad Nacional del Santa (PE)

Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR)

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (ID)

Universität Wien (AT)

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (SN)

Universiteit Hasselt (BE)

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (MY)

University of California (US)

University of Hong Kong (HK)

Usense (BE)

Vlaams Instituut voor Technologisch Onderzoek (BE)

Flanders Marine Institute (BE)

Wetlands International (SN)

White Green Blue (BE)

Zentrum für Mariene Tropenforschung
Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research (DE)

Zanzibar University (TZ)

Former associate partners
